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Mkhaya Reserve game drive

Mkhaya is all about intimate encounters with some of Africa’s icons. All travel within the reserve is solely guided by open Land Rovers or on foot, providing superb photographic opportunities and probably the best chance of seeing Black Rhino in the wild in Africa today.

Named after the Senegalia (Acacia) nigrescens tree once prolific across the lowveld, ‘Mkhaya’ also aptly means ‘home’ derived from the fact that this valuable hardwood is the chosen tree for structural building in Swaziland. Knobthorn trunks have been incorporated in some of Stone Camp’s structures.

With a somewhat different history beginning with the conservation of Swaziland’s beautiful indigenous Nguni cattle, Mkhaya took on the vision of nurturing and propagating locally threatened and endangered species. With very stringent conservation security, Mkhaya is now home to Swaziland’s only buffalo, black rhino, sable antelope, Livingstone’s eland and tsessebe populations. Along with special species such as white rhino, giraffe and roan antelope, these animals are often sighted at close range on safari.


Mkhaya Game Reserve

Lubombo Region, Swaziland